Janice Robertson

  • Painter
  • Artist
  • Teacher
  • Events
  • Workshops
Janice Robertson Bio

Workshops & Events  2025


Acrylics Weekly– 8 sessions, Tuesdays, March 4th to April 22nd, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.  Location is the Walnut Grove Community Centre in Langley. This class features regular demos & critiques, plus lots of one to one coaching. Cost is $450.00, plus gst. Contact Janice at jrobertson13@shaw.ca to register for the waitlist






If you would like to be notified when there are classes available, contact Janice to go on the newsletter list. 


* Please contact Janice for details on these and other upcoming classes-   jrobertson13@shaw.ca

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